Designer Spotlights

The Everlasting Charm of Chanel


An Insight by Elizabeth Empire

Chanel: Style and Glamour Icons
When one thinks of Chanel, it is more of a brand synonymous with timeless elegance and grace than purely a luxury brand. What Chanel has done is bring the past to redefine new standards of present luxury—something that will be really hard to match. To Coco Chanel, the Chanel brand does not only embody the clothes or the accessories; it is an attitude, the spirit of independence, and perfection in every detailing.

The House of Chanel is a story about Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel, the woman who did transform the look of fashion. She didn't just design some clothes. She didn't just design some clothes. She totally revolutionized women's clothing and their very ways of life. The designs by Coco Chanel were liberating in that they primarily focused on simplicity and comfort—never lacking in style. Her iconic little black dress and tweed suits, as well as signature perfume Chanel No. 5, have etched timeless images of class and elegance. To me, more than a series of fashion, Chanel represents women empowerment—to self-express with confidence and elegance.

Chanel Evolution and Modern Influence


The House of Chanel is a story about Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel, the woman who did transform the look of fashion. She didn't just design some clothes. She didn't just design some clothes. She totally revolutionized women's clothing and their very ways of life. The designs by Coco Chanel were liberating in that they primarily focused on simplicity and comfort—never lacking in style. Her iconic little black dress and tweed suits, as well as signature perfume Chanel No. 5, have etched timeless images of class and elegance. To me, more than a series of fashion, Chanel represents women empowerment—to self-express with confidence and elegance.

Chanel Evolution and Modern Influence
The thing that has always appealed to me in Chanel is the evolution through time but conserving richness at its center. Under the creative direction of Karl Lagerfeld and more recently by Virginie Viard, Chanel stays at the vanguard of high fashion—how to make classic silhouettes relevant in today's world and be timelessly influential. Be it through haute couture, ready-to-wear, or luxury accessories, Chanel is a beacon of inspiration towards women around the world, and here—that's the Elizabeth Empire.

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